Newton Johnson, Sauvignon Blanc 2023

Newton Johnson, Sauvignon Blanc 2023

59 in stock

Newton Johnson, Sauvignon Blanc 2023


59 in stock

SKU WC110620-2023 Categories ,


We take a natural approach in making this wine, aspiring to harmonise the many features within the Sauvignon Blanc grape grown in the Hemel-en-Aarde area. Soil-type combinations from these various vineyards produce a spectrum of flavour. Vivid, mineral and bright fl avours evolve in the wines grown from the white quartz and sandstone soils higher up the vineyard slopes. These fine flavours were well complimented with Sauvignon originating from clay -based soils further down. Clay in contrast produces wines that may ini tially seem quite indistinct on the nose, slowly producing aromatics of tropical fruits, and it is the luxurious texture in the mouth that is its greatest asset. A component of oaked Semillon in the blend broadens this texture, combining a creamy sensation with the dryness and length of natural acidity.

T A S T I N G  N O T E S

Fine, crystalline character with traces of flint. Distinct perfumed wafts of sweet lime blossom and earthy fynbos broaden into generous apricot and a waxy underlayer. Generous texture with weight and persistence is counter balanced with bracing acidity and lemon drops lingering in the finish.


Alcohol by volume 13.53 %

Total Acidity 6.3 g/l

pH 3.39

Residual sugar 1.58 g/l

L O C A T I O N  &  C L I M A T E

The majority of the Sauvignon Blanc lies on southern slopes at an altitude of 200-230m, in the porphyritic Granite soils of the Upper Hemel-en-Aarde Valley. This appellation ranges from 4 to 8 km in proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. The climate is cool and temperate, where parallel mountain ranges channel the southerly oceangoing winds through the appellation during the summer. These southerly winds in turn c reate regular sea mists and overcast conditions, moderating the temperatures in the valley. The annual rainfall is 850mm, with 50% falling in the winter months (May – August).

32% of the blend are Sauvignon Blanc grapes sourced from the central part of Elgin, this appellation is situated on a plateau between Somerset West and Botriver and is cocooned by mountain ranges, giving the valley a kind of bowl shape. It has lesser influence from the ocean and slightly more extreme minimum and maximum temperatures, giving it a semi-continental type of climate. It’s cool climate can be attributed to its altitude (300 to 800m) with an average mean temperature of 19.5°C. It also has an abundant rainfall of 1 000mm per annum.

The Semillon was sourced a few kilometres up the road from us in the Hemel-en-Aarde Ridge.

A P P E L L A T I O N : Wine of Origin CAPE SOUTH COAST

BLENDED VARIETIES:  87% Sauvignon Blanc and 13% Semillon

S O I L: Various soils, from gravelly decomposed Granite to Bokkeveld Shale (heavier in clay)

A S P E C T: South to South-East facing. Slopes of 15-16%.

T R E L I S S I N G: 7-wire Vertical Shoot Positioning (VSP) with movable wires

A G E  O F  V I N E S: 20 – 22 years

P R U N I N G: Cordon

V I N E S  P E R  Ha: 3333

A V E R A G E  Y I E L D: 5.8 – 6.5 tons/ha (40 – 45 hl/ha)

2 0 2 3 V I N T A G E

Growing Season & Harvesting The growing season was preceded by a fairly marginal Winter for vine dormancy. June saw some good rainfall throughout, followed by drier and mild periods in July that presumably caused some uneven budding in the Chardonnay. A colder August retained the dormancy in the vineyards to a timely budbreak in the 2 n d week of September. A drier, windy and quite cool Spring resulted in slow growth in the vine canopy until December when some heat and good rains brought a late flush of vegetal growth . A dry and warm January hastened veraison with conditions looking idyllic, until the first rains arrived in early February as the first grapes arrived. Intermittent rain continued throughout February and March with rain every other day, making it exceedingly difficult to pick grapes and botrytis rot remained a constant threat. Had it not been for the favourable weather in January to bring the grapes and tannins to ripeness, the vintage could have been much worse. The Sauvignon Blanc was harvested from 8 t h to 9 t h March, and the Semillon on 22 n d March.


The grapes are packed in to large -surface area crates to limit crushing of the bunches. The day’s harvest is cooled down overnight to 8ºC in the winery’s refrigerated cold room. The bunches are hand-sorted on a conveyor, falling directly in to the press for whole bunch pressing . The juice is settled without the use of enzymes and racked for fermentation in stainless steel, that is maintained between 14 to 16ºC (warmer for the spontaneous fermentations) until the wine is dry (16 – 20 days). No sulphur is added before fermentation. 13% of the blend includes Semillon that has been fermented by natural yeasts and matured for 4 months in old oak puncheons (500L barrels).

B O T T L E S  P R O D U C E D: 2 1 1 1 0 x 750ml

B O T T L I N G  D A T E: 1 0 January 2024

B E S T  D R I N K I N G: Now – 5 years

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